Contributors - Issue 02



On Growth - by Afreen Razvi

Afreen Razvi is a dentist by day, writer by night, a staunch debater and an avid reader.
Links: Tumblr | Instagram

Minimalism: When Less is More - by Jabal Maryam

Maryam (AKA Jabal Maryam) is a high-school senior, when she's taking a break from being a university student, when she's taking a break from being the always-reliable, local errands girl. It's complicated.  She is an award-winning قارئة  of the Quran and an (award-winning also) artist. 
Links: Instagram 

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Growth is Struggle - by Samiya Fatima

Samiya is a distance learner earning a degree in Islamic Studies, a martial artist and a serial coffee drinker. By trade, she works at a desk, staring at and sorting through numbers and sending chills down colleagues' backs by her simple presence; she hates slackers. Also, she's probably read more books than you.
Links: Instagram

Short Stories:

Innocent Victims - by Rida Ahmed

Rida is a Pakistani-Aussie university student and considers herself a proud hijabi. Her interests include studying (nerd!), cooking and sport.

He Forgot to Grow - by ZimBey

Zahra (AKA ZimBey) is a high-school junior, the resident artist (yes, another award-winning one) at RQ and a BJJ white belt (for now!). When not in her backyard hanging from a pull up bar, she may be found in the kitchen whipping up her newest culinary masterpiece.
Links: Instagram 


All that I Chase - by Maynerd

Poison Tree by William Blake -  (Curated) by Danrah


Weed  Out - by La Cabra

Sumayya (AKA Maynerd, La Cabra, etc) is a university student, studying for a B.Sc. in Business & Management. She is currently in her third year and spends a lot of time looking for internships online but never applying due to her numerous pet projects. She enjoys learning and teaching Arabic in her spare time.


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