RATHER QUIET ISSUE 01 | The End of a Year

It's Here

Our very first issue is here! For the month of December our theme was The End of a Year. Enclosed in this issue are three features. Were hoping to add more in the future as we grow!

 Article - Lessons From the Daily Journal 

by La Cabra

In which La Cabra writes about her first experience of daily journaling. No life-changing hacks promised, but she does share three lessons she's learned over the year

Short Story - The Landlady by Roald Dahl 

(curated) by Jabal Maryam

Jabal Maryam show cases one of the less known works of the world famous Roald Dahl, The Landlady. This unsettling yet gripping short story probably hasn't been looked at in quite the same way as she puts it.

Art Feature - The End of a Year 

by Zimbey

We end with a art feature that brilliantly captures the sentiments associated with the end of a year - or rather, the start of a new one.

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